unittest.TestCase Integration

TestSlide’s DSL builtin integration with Python’s unittest.


TestSlide (currently) has no assertion framework. It comes however, with all self.assert* methods that you find at unittest.TestCase (see the docs):

def unittest_assert_methods(context):

  def has_assert_true(self):

Reusing existing unittest.TestCase setUp

You can leverage existing unittest.TestCase classes, and use their setup logic to with TestSlide’s DSL:

def merging_test_cases(context):

  context.merge_test_case(SomePreExistingTestCase, 'legacy_test_case')

  def can_access_the_test_case(self):
    self.legacy_test_case  # => SomePreExistingTestCase instance

merge_test_case will call all SomePreExistingTestCase test hooks (setUp, tearDown etc) for each example.

From each example (or hooks), you will have access to the TestCase instance, so you can access any of its methods or attributes.


Only hooks are executed, no existing tests will be imported!