
Often code we write depends on external things such as a database or a REST API. We can test our code allowing it to talk directly to those dependencies, but there are different reasons why we wouldn’t want to:

  • The dependency is available as a production environment only and we can’t let a test risk breaking production.
  • The dependency is not available on all environments the test is being executed, for example during a Continuous Integration build.
  • We want to test different scenarios, such as a valid response, error response or a timeout.

Mocks helps us achieve this goal when used in place of a real dependency. They need to respond conforming to the same interface exposed by the dependency, allowing us to configure canned responses to simulate the different scenarios we need. This must be true if we want to trust our test results.

Yet Another Mock?

Python unittest already provides us with Mock, PropertyMock, AsyncMock, MagicMock, NonCallableMagicMock… each for a specific use case. To understand what StrictMock brings to the table, let’s start by looking at Python’s mocks.

Let’s pretend we depend on a Calculator class and we want to create a mock for it:

In [1]: from unittest.mock import Mock

In [2]: class Calculator:
   ...:   def is_odd(self, x):
   ...:     return bool(x % 2)

In [3]: mock = Mock(Calculator)

In [4]: mock.is_odd(2)
Out[4]: <Mock name='mock.is_odd()' id='140674180253512'>

In [5]: bool(mock.is_odd(2))
Out[5]: True

In [6]: mock.is_odd(2, 'invalid')
Out[6]: <Mock name='mock.is_odd()' id='140674180253512'>

Wow! The calculator mock is lying to us telling that 2 is odd! And worse: we are able to violate the method signature without issues! How can we trust our tests with mocks like this? This is precisely the kind of problem StrictMock solves!


Since Python 3.7 we can seal mocks. This helps, but as you will see, StrictMock has a lot unpaired functionality.

A Mock You Can Trust

StrictMock allows you to create mocks of instances of a given template class. Its default is not to give arbitrary canned responses, but rather be clear that it is missing some configuration:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class Calculator:
   ...:     def is_odd(self, x):
   ...:         return bool(x % 2)

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=Calculator)

In [4]: mock.is_odd(2)
UndefinedAttribute: 'is_odd' is not defined.
<StrictMock 0x7F17E06C7310 template=__main__.Calculator> must have a value defined for this attribute if it is going to be accessed.

So, let’s define is_odd method:

In [5]: mock.is_odd = lambda number: False

In [6]: mock.is_odd(2)
Out[6]: False

As we saw, StrictMock is safe by default: any attribute access will raise UndefinedAttribute unless it had a value set previously. As you are in control of what values you assign to your mock, you can trust it to do only what you expect it to do.

Under the hood there’s tons of validation to ensure the mock’s interface precisely matches the template class.


  • Refer to mock_callable() to learn to tighten what arguments is_odd() should accept.
  • Refer to mock_constructor() to learn how to put StrictMock in place of your dependency.




You can optionally name your mock, to make it easier to identify:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: str(StrictMock())
Out[2]: '<StrictMock 0x7F7A30FC0748>'

In [3]: str(StrictMock(name='whatever'))
Out[3]: "<StrictMock 0x7F7A30FDFF60 name='whatever'>"

Generic Mocks

It is higly recommended to use StrictMock giving it a template class, so you can leverage its interface validation. There are situations however that any “generic mock” is good enough. You can still use StrictMock, although you’ll loose most validations:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: mock = StrictMock()

In [3]: mock.whatever
UndefinedAttribute: 'whatever' is not defined.
<StrictMock 0x7FED1C724C18> must have a value defined for this attribute if it is going to be accessed.

In [4]: mock.whatever = 'something'

In [5]: mock.whatever
Out[5]: 'something'

It will accept setting any attributes, with any values.

Template Class

By giving a template class, we can leverage all interface validation goodies:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class Calculator:
   ...:     def is_odd(self, x):
   ...:         return bool(x % 2)

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=Calculator)

In [4]: mock.is_odd(2)
UndefinedAttribute: 'is_odd' is not defined.
<StrictMock 0x7F17E06C7310 template=__main__.Calculator> must have a value defined for this attribute if it is going to be accessed.

Runtime Attributes

StrictMock introspects the template’s __init__ code to find attributes that are dynamically set during runtime. If this mechanism fails (often a source of bad class design), you should inform StrictMock about those attributes:

StrictMock(template=TemplateClass, runtime_attrs=['attr_set_at_runtime'])

Default Context Manager

If the template class is a context manager, default_context_manager can be used to automatically setup __enter__ and __exit__ mocks for you:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class CM:
   ...:   def __enter__(self):
   ...:     return self
   ...:   def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
   ...:     pass

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=CM, default_context_manager=True)

In [4]: with mock as m:
   ...:   assert id(mock) == id(m)

The mock itself is yielded.


This also works for asynchronous context managers.

Setting Attributes


They can be set as usual:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: mock = StrictMock()

In [3]: mock.whatever
UndefinedAttribute: 'whatever' is not defined.
<StrictMock 0x7FED1C724C18> must have a value defined for this attribute if it is going to be accessed.

In [4]: mock.whatever = 'something'

In [5]: mock.whatever
Out[5]: 'something'

Other than if the attribute is allowed to be set (based on the optional template class), no validation is performed on the value assigned.


You can assign callables to instance, class and static methods as usual. There’s special mechanics under the hood to ensure the mock will receive the correct arguments:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class Echo:
   ...:   def instance_echo(self, message):
   ...:     return message
   ...:   @classmethod
   ...:   def class_echo(cls, message):
   ...:     return message
   ...:   @staticmethod
   ...:   def static_echo(message):
   ...:     return message

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=Echo)

In [4]: mock.instance_echo = lambda message: f"mock: {message}"

In [5]: mock.instance_echo("hello")
Out[5]: 'mock: hello'

In [6]: mock.class_echo = lambda message: f"mock: {message}"

In [7]: mock.class_echo("hello")
Out[7]: 'mock: hello'

In [8]: mock.static_echo = lambda message: f"mock: {message}"

In [9]: mock.static_echo("hello")
Out[9]: 'mock: hello'

You can also use regular methods:

In [11]: def new(message):
    ...:     return f"new {message}"

In [12]: mock.instance_echo = new

In [13]: mock.instance_echo("Hi")
Out[13]: 'new Hi'

Or even methods from any instances:

In [14]: class MockEcho:
    ...:     def echo(self, message):
    ...:         return f"MockEcho {message}"

In [15]: mock.class_echo = MockEcho().echo

In [16]: mock.class_echo("Wow!")
Out[16]: 'MockEcho Wow!'

Magic Methods

Magic Methods must be defined at the instance’s class and not the instance. StrictMock has special mechanics that allow you to set them per instance trivially:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: mock = StrictMock()

In [3]: mock.__str__ = lambda: 'mocked str'

In [4]: str(mock)
Out[4]: 'mocked str'

Interface Validations

StrictMock does a lot of validation under the hood to ensure you are configuring your mocks in conformity with the given template class interface. This has obvious immediate advantages, but is surprisingly helpful in catching bugs when refactoring happens (eg: the interface of the template class changed).

Attribute Existence

You won’t be allowed to access or set an attribute to a StrictMock if the given template class does not have it:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class Calculator:
   ...:   def is_odd(self, x):
   ...:     return bool(x % 2)

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=Calculator)

In [4]: mock.invalid
AttributeError: 'invalid' was not set for <StrictMock 0x7F4C62423F10 template=__main__.Calculator>.

In [4]: mock.invalid = "whatever"
CanNotSetNonExistentAttribute: 'invalid' can not be set.
<StrictMock 0x7F4C62423F10 template=__main__.Calculator> template class does not have this attribute so the mock can not have it as well.
See also: 'runtime_attrs' at StrictMock.__init__.

Dynamic Attributes

This validation works even for attributes set by __init__, as StrictMock introspects the code to learn about them:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class DynamicAttr(object):
   ...:     def __init__(self):
   ...:          self.dynamic = 'set from __init__'

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=DynamicAttr)

In [4]: mock.dynamic = 'something else'


Only Accepts Callables

If the Template class attribute is a instance/class/static method, StrictMock will only allow callable values to be assigned:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class Calculator:
   ...:   def is_odd(self, x):
   ...:     return bool(x % 2)

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=Calculator)

In [4]: mock.is_odd = "not callable"
NonCallableValue: 'is_odd' can not be set with a non-callable value.
<StrictMock 0x7F4C62423F10 template=__main__.Calculator> template class requires this attribute to be callable.


Method signatures must match the signature of the equivalent method at the template class:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class Calculator:
   ...:   def is_odd(self, x):
   ...:     return bool(x % 2)

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=Calculator)

In [4]: mock.is_odd = lambda number, invalid: False

In [5]: mock.is_odd(2, 'invalid')
TypeError: too many positional arguments

Magic Methods

Any magic methods defined at the template class will also have the safe by default characteristic:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class NotGreater:
   ...:     def __gt__(self, other):
   ...:         return False

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=NotGreater)

In [4]: mock > 0
UndefinedAttribute: '__gt__' is not set.
<StrictMock 0x7FE849B5DCD0 template=__main__.NotGreater> must have a value set for this attribute if it is going to be accessed.

Coroutine Functions (async def)

Coroutine functions (whether instance, class or static methods) can only have a callable that returns an awaitable assigned:

In [1]: from testslide import StrictMock

In [2]: class AsyncMethod:
   ...:     async def async_instance_method(self):
   ...:         pass

In [3]: mock = StrictMock(template=AsyncMethod)

In [4]: def sync():
   ...:     pass

In [5]: mock.async_instance_method = sync

In [6]: import asyncio

In [7]:
NonAwaitableReturn: 'async_instance_method' can not be set with a callable that does not return an awaitable.
<StrictMock 0x7FACF5A974D0 template=__main__.AsyncMethod> template class requires this attribute to be a callable that returns an awaitable (eg: a 'async def' function).

Extra Functionality

  • copy.copy() and copy.deepcopy() works, and give back another StrictMock, with the same behavior.
  • Template classes that use __slots__ are supported.